Samsung, 5 consecutive wins → consecutive losses → 5 consecutive wins → consecutive losses When will the jinx be broken?

Samsung, 5 consecutive wins → consecutive losses → 5 consecutive wins → consecutive losses When will the jinx be broken?

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The professional baseball team Samsung Lions has been showing an unusual appearance recently.

They are on a winning and losing streak, taking a sloppy path.

Samsung went on a 4-game losing streak from May 25 to 29, then went on a 5-game winning streak before losing 4 in a

row again. After that, they went on a 5-game winning streak, then lost 3 in a row, and then went on a 5-game winning

streak again.

And on the 25th and 26th, they lost two games to LG Twins without a doubt.

Samsung has been on a 5-game winning streak, 5-game losing streak, and 5-game winning streak for over a month.

At this point, it could be called the '5-game winning streak jinx'.

Within Samsung, it is believed that the team's characteristic of being centered around young players has influenced the

phenomenon of repeated winning and losing streaks.

Samsung manager Park Jin-man recently said, "It's inevitable that young players will be greatly influenced by the team

atmosphere," and "When the batting lineup comes alive, everyone comes alive together, but when a few of the key hitters

struggle, everyone falters together."

This season, Samsung's batting lineup is led by younger players such as Kim Young-woong, Lee Seong-gyu, Lee Jae-hyun,

and Kim Ji-chan.

They have a synergistic effect on each other, but they often go through slumps together.

It is common to see a team score a lot of points and then cool off the next day.

In fact, Samsung continued its five-game winning streak by scoring 10 points against the Doosan Bears on the 23rd, but

was held scoreless and scored only 1 point against the LG Twins on the 25th and 26th, respectively.

In particular, in the game against LG on the 25th, he almost gave the opposing starting pitcher Casey Kelly the first perfec

t game in the KBO league by not allowing a single batter to get on base until the 8th inning.

Samsung does not like the phenomenon 추천 of repeating winning and losing streaks.

As the winning streak gets longer, the number of consecutive pitches by the winning pitchers increases, making it difficult

to manage the bullpen.

Samsung has many veteran bullpen pitchers such as Oh Seung-hwan, Kim Jae-yoon, and Lim Chang-min, so adequate rest

is essential.

Coach Park Jin-man said, "It would be better to continue the momentum of 2 wins and 1 loss."

In order for Samsung to achieve an ideal flow, a veteran player is needed to hold the center of the batting line.

First, Samsung is pinning its hopes on the return of infield leader Ryu Ji-hyuk, who is recovering from injury.

Ryu Ji-hyuk played the role of mood maker with his high-level hitting skills and hustle play that spares no effort.

Ryu Ji-hyeok, who was out with a side injury, is adjusting the timing of his return to the first team as he recovers his

physical condition.

On the 27th, he recorded 1 hit in 3 at-bats in the Futures League game against the KT Wiz 2nd team, showing his batting


Park Byung-ho, who has been in a slump with a batting average of 0.167 since June, and Koo Ja-wook, who has been

stagnant with a batting average of 0.158 in the last five games, must also come to life.

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